Call for Abstracts
Call for Abstracts
Abstract submission starts officially on Friday February 1, 2019
Oral and poster contributions are welcome on subjects within the scope of the workshop. Authors are requested to submit abstracts, no later than 9th of April 2019, according to the instructions below.
Authors will be informed of the acceptance of their contribution (oral or poster) before 7th of May 2019.
The abstracts of all accepted contributions will be published in the book of abstract. Please, remember that only abstracts of registered participants who have paid the registration will be included in the proceedings and in the book of abstracts.
Abstracts can be submitted only after registration.
If you are already registered you can submit your abstract using the link provided here. Otherwise, please proceed to the Registration first.
Please choose which conference topic most closely represents the subject of your contribution, together with your preference for either oral or poster.
Abstract requirements
Please, follow these guidelines to write your abstract:
The abstract have to be written using the template provided below
Only ".doc" and ".docx" file formats are accepted
The abstract must not be longer than one A4 page
Only one figure or image and maximum 3 references per abstract are allowed
Any abstract not in compliance with the template will be sent back to the author
Please send your abstract ".doc" or ".docx" file in : iworid2019info@inp.demokritos.gr
Abstract Template in MS Word: