Conference Excursions
On Friday 12 July 2019 there will be two options for special excursions with an extra cost. Please subscribe during your registration:
Option 1 (cost: ~ 30Euros paid locally):
A full day trip to the Palace of Knossos and the Museum of Herakleion is planned.
Some useful links:
Museum of Herakleion: http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/1/eh155.jsp?obj_id=3327
Palace of Knossos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6JJdzsE3_A
The great Minoan Civilization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3Ez8drCIvc

Option 2(cost: ~ 25Euros paid locally):
A full day trip to Samaria gorge: This is a very nice whole day experience in the Samaria Gorge.
You have to take the bus from Conference place to "Omalos" plateous (the entrance of the Gorge).
You should be there at 8:00h at the latest.
The gorge takes 3-8 hours to cross according to your physical condition. You end up at the village of "Aghia Roumeli" where you have to take the boat (last one around 16:00h, check it out) to "Sfakia", and then the bus to the Conference place. Its really a full day trip but worth the trouble.