Scientific Programme
The workshop will have plenary sessions with invited and contributed papers presented orally and poster sessions. The invited talks will be chosen to review recent advances in different areas covered in the workshop.
The focus of the workshop will be research and development in the following topics:
Sensor Materials, Device Processing and Technologies
Si, a-Si, Ge, GaAs, CdTe and other semiconductors
CVD Diamond detectors
Gaseous detectors
Quantum devices
Processing, Characterization, Reliability and Radiation damage
Front-end Electronics and Readout
Monolithic and hybrid systems
Spectroscopic systems
Charge integrating and counting systems
3D ASICs and 3D interconnections
Data compression, transfer and storage
Imaging Theory
Imaging with ionizing radiation
Complementary imaging techniques
Fluorescence mapping and tomography
3D- reconstruction with limited data sets
Low radiation dose approache
Material and life science
Multi wavelength techniques
Element mapping in 2D / 3D
High resolution imaging
Sub nanosecond imaging
TOF and particle tracking
High energy physics
High power lasers
Applications at X-ray free electron lasers
Electron microscopy
Neutron imaging
Security systems and other Industrial applications
Astronomical and space applications
Nuclear physics
Fusion research